

I'm turning a new leaf. Well, attempting to. Every Tursday and Thursday after my eight o'clock class I go to the coffeehouse for my skinny latte and my pretzels. But, I don't really need that caffiene. I just like the way they taste. And I eat the pretzels mostly because I need something in my stomach when I drink coffee or my stomach gets a little unhappy with me.

So, in an effort for change, I'm switching my latte and pretzels to tea and an orange. I don't know if tea will ever seem as good to me as a latte does, but it's better for me and it goes better with oranges than coffee. And I love oranges.

I also am realizing I love spring. I always thought I didn't really care for it in comparison to the other seasons, and that may still be true. I'm not crazy about everything being wet and muddy. But I love the promise of spring, and how in spring 60 degree days seem incredible, when in summer they'd seem chilly. Spring is good for biking. I can go at three in the afternoon and get sweaty but not feel unbareably hot. And the way spring smells. Fresh and new. Instead of warm, sultry smells, it's all floral and clean and fruity. I love changing scents with the seasons.

So I guess maybe I like spring after all.

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