

Today was pretty much a day of perfection.

I got up and went for my usual bike ride with enough time to get back home and shower and get mildly pretty before my handsome boy got here. We decided to run some errands because he had things he needed to get done and we didn't have much else to do at my townhouse, so we headed to the mall and ate lunch there and got our things done, and then went to Barnes and Noble.

We're so funny when we go to that store, we completely ignore one another. He goes off to his sections, looking at languages books and space books, and I check out the autobiographies, new books, best sellers, any random fiction novel that looks good, fashion stuff...yeah, you get the picture. When one of us is ready to go we find the other, and we leave. I didn't buy anything this time, but Phil bought a book about the history of languages.

We drove home and played soccer for a while, but then the lawn mower guy started mowing the lawn real close to where we were playing, so we took it as a sign to head inside. I wanted to read my book that I had been reading, and Phil wanted to read his, so we decided we were both going to flop out on my bed and read like a cheesy old couple. I was tired though, so I snuggled up to him with my head on his chest thinking I'd stay like that for a couple of minutes and then start reading. Phil decided to read the preface to his book out loud to me, and I wound up falling asleep. Whoopsie. But the nap was so nice! My roommate came upstairs and laughed at us, we're so dorky. But I love it!

He headed home later and I headed to work, and I did well and still got home early. Couldn't ask for anything more!

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