This past Sunday the sermon was basically tailor-made for me. I'm sure other people felt that way for different reasons, rarely does Pastor preach a sermon that couldn't be applied to my life in some way -- but this one addressed everything that's been in my life as of late.
So I've decided to blog about it. In four parts, posted as I have time to write them(like when midterm week isn't consuming my time).
Which leads me to part one -- centered around this verse.
"Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners -- of whom I am the worst."
-- 1 Timothy 1:15
Oh how I like to forget that. I like to forget that I really am the worst -- that each sin is the same in God's eyes. It's hard to remember, because I can't wrap my mind around how murder is possibly the same as me being prideful. We talked about that in my Philosophy of Religion class -- about how those two sins seem incomparable to us. But to me, that's the glory of God. That no matter what our sins, no matter how unforgivable WE feel or other people feel we should be, our sins can still always be removed as far as the east is from the west.
So no. I'm not a murderer or an adulterer. But I am a sinner. Every day I am a sinner. I shrug off my sins because they seem minor, but I am no better than anyone else. I'm saved by grace the same way the murderer and the adulterer are. Because I am the worst of these.
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