My mattress is pushed a little closer to the wall than my bed can go, and the extra space on the box spring makes the perfect spot for me to rest my foot, tucking the other underneath me as I sit at my computer accomplishing(or not accomplishing) things.
One of the things I tend to accomplish while at my computer is painting my nails. I'm incapable of painting my nails without something else going on. I get bored. But when I paint my nails in this position on my bed, I put my hand on my knee to hold it steady. And without fail, I get nail polish on my jeans(assuming I'm wearing jeans at the time). Yesterday was no exception.

I decided to paint my nails yellow because I was feeling extra summery, and because I've discovered these brilliant new Nail Art pens by Sally Hansen. Mine is actually hiding in the mess of things on my desk now...but yesterday I used it to draw a happy little sun on my thumbnail. So cool! It goes on easy and after a quick top coat stays on for days. Great invention!

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