It was such a beautiful wedding. I know, I know, most weddings are beautiful, but this one really was great. They got married at a park with about four thousand gorgeous places to take pictures. The ceremony and reception were inside a old banquet hall, all built of stone and antique feeling. The weather couldn't have been more perfect for pictures, and we got to spend so much time with just the two of them! We always adjust our time frame to whatever's most important to the couple, but so far, not many have wanted to spend a lot of time on pictures of just the two of them. Those are my favorite to shoot, they can be so intimate and romantic, and can really capture the personality of the two of them.
There were some tender moments throughout the day. A little over a month ago, the groom's mom lost a long battle with cancer. His dad spoke before the toast, bringing up Ecclesiastes 3:4. It says there's a time to weap and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance. Nothing could have been more appropriate for that family. They'd just gone through mourning, but the groom's father said that today was a day where they would laugh and dance, because even in trials, God is in control. Such a beautiful reminder of the joy that is found when we trust in God.

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