I've decided some Sundays are just going to be all hearts. Because some days there's just nothing I want to part with.

1- Big Bang Theory. Every Sunday, my family has made a tradition of the three of us squeezing into my parents bed for a few episodes of Big Bang Theory. I love the characters and the geekiness. It's a perfect little time for some laughter.
2- Emily Deschanel and Michaela Conlin. They're best friends on the tv show Bones, and I found out via my Glamour issue this month that they're best friends in real life too. That makes me happy.
3- Weddings. First one of the season this weekend! I'm so happy they're starting up again because I love everything about them, and I'm so excited for this season. It's going to be incredible!
4- Side buns. Hello fabulous. Takes like 2 minutes to do, keeps your hair out of the way and lasts all day. I wore one to shoot on Friday, and then on Sunday I wore it to church and then put a baseball hat on with it for the afternoon. Super versitale.
5- My Grandpa Jack. It was his birthday on Saturday! My mom made him a butterscotch pie because they're his favorite. And they require 45 minutes of stirring so he only gets one on his birthday. Haha. He's a fun fun man who I love, and I'm happy I got to spend the day with him on Sunday celebrating his birthday and two of my cousin's birthdays.
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