Lately I've been listening to romantic music to go with my fall romantic mood, and looking at other photographer's wedding and engagement pictures. Soaking up a little wedding bliss bundled up at my desk. Most photographers have music to go along with their portfolio online, and one of them had this song. I downloaded it immediately. It's beautifully romantic and perfect for wedding pictures.
We Are Man and Wife, Michelle Featherstone
Apparently it was on One Tree Hill when Nathan and Haley got married, but I don't remember that--oops! All the videos I found include pictures of them.
Okay. No. Not so revolutionary. More like a tale as old as time, rediscovered in my own life.
So the last two days I haven't felt so hot. Kind of getting a cold, just felt icky, stuck in a bad mood.
On Monday, instead of doing kickboxing, Amanda and I came home and did pilates because we got out of our class early and didn't want to wait around. And Tuesday, when my alarm went off I ignored it and went back to sleep, because I didn't feel good and it was like 40 degrees outside and I figured running in 40 degree weather while I was obtaining a cold probably wasn't the smartest idea in the world.
But today, today I did kickboxing again. And I am HAPPY. Bountifully happy.
Whenever I'm whining about working out, someone please remind me what it does to my mood.





I like that feeling. The feeling of being on the brink of something new. When I can walk into someplace I've never been before and feel like I could belong there. Like the first time I met Adam, I walked into Cheesecake Factory...a new, slightly more mature setting than my usual hangout, and sat down and had my first 'interview' for something I really cared about, not just any old job to get me through college(even though I've loved all my jobs). And I sat there and listened as he said everything and so much more than I was hoping to hear. And it was so exciting and new and more grown up than almost everything before it.
I love growing up. They tell you with every new season in life that those years will be the best years of your life, and while that would seemingly get monotonous, it's so true. I loved aspects of high school. High school was choir, was something that I was good at that taught me how to be confident, with the help of some of the best mentors in the world. College brought a few day-long breakdowns as I figured out what I wanted to do with my life, but it also brought the beginnings of friendships stronger than anything I had in high school, and eventually did help me figure out who I want to be, and gave me confidence about myself as a whole, not just in specific abilities. And then there's the years that I'll be working, and the years that I'll be getting married and the years that I'll be having kids...see what I mean? There's best moments in all those years.
Even though I'm not someone who's really big into environmental stuff, it's still good to be aware of how what we do daily effects the environment. And now I know how to make little changes that are better for the environment and not that terribly inconvenient to me. Plus, any inconvenience is made up for by the warm, fuzzy feelings I get by knowing I'm helping the environment!

I still don't understand a lot about how the game works. I know the basics, but some of the calls make zero sense to me...and I honestly don't care. I have no desire to understand it more fully, I just love watching. Stacy, my coworker, and I stop and watch just for a few minutes on our way back from lunch every game. Every game, and I still get shivers when we step up to the window in the club seats. It's not even about what happens on the field, but about that scene as a whole, the fans screaming, the players, the coaches, the cheerleaders.
Maybe it's not that way everywhere, but at Lambeau, the support and the excitement is incredible.
This one, on the other hand, is definitely all entertainment. I love the paper weight mode line.

Now, I was all sad at the beginning of the semester because Whitney and I have opposite schedules and were never going to see each other this year. But we've found a solution. She lives in the boondocks, and happens to not get CWTV. One Tree Hill is on CWTV. So she's coming over every Monday to watch One Tree Hill and have a girly night with my current roommates and I, and then crashing with us overnight.
It's like slumber parties all over again! I love it. We ordered pizza to celebrate the opening night of One Tree Hill, and all ate cross-legged on the living room floor despite the fact that we have a table. We talked about school and obsessed about guys. When Nathan Scott came on screen shirtless we whistled at the screen. And then Whitty and I crawled into bed at 9:30 and stayed up talking until nearly 11, just like we used to freshmen year. It was fantastically girly.
I'm so thankful for the friendships I have with those girls, and for the time we get to spend together.
She's incredibly sarcastic and somewhat dramatic. Not dramatic in the annoying way, but dramatic in the way that makes her writing exceptionally entertaining. But because of these things, and because she's a person who makes her opinions known, she gets a lot of hate mail. Like, dump trucks full of hate mail. And people say the most ridiculous things.
So one day she mentioned to a friend that she had gotten hate mail about the length of her dog's toenails.
Seriously. Who does that?!
Anyway, the friend said she should make a website and post all the hate mail she gets onto the website and put ads all over it and make money.
So she did. And she unveiled it today.
Monetizing The Hate
She's now making money off her haters.
And receiving hate mail about it.
I love it!

My professor is married to a woman with a doctorate, and they have no children. Right now, she's clearly a woman who's goals have been in the workplace and not as much at home. She's also a professor and wonderful at her job. She just earned her doctorate last year, so maybe now they'll start thinking more about kids, and maybe in five years she'll want to be a stay at home mom. Or maybe they'll never have kids, and both teach, or have kids and still work. I find each one of those choices to be honorable.
Our professor put a slide up with this information on it, and said if he was a woman he'd be frustrated with it's contents.
- 50% of all undergraduate degrees
- 52% of all master's degrees
- and 32% of all doctorates
- they hold less than 15.7% of Fortune 500's corporate officer positions
- earn 78% of what male counterparts do
- and encounter a glass ceiling in the workplace
The first half doesn't frustrate me at all. We talked about why most doctorates are earned by men, and said it's largely because that's the age where a lot of women want to get married and start a family, and don't want to be in school any more. As I've made pretty clear, I think that's great.
The second half is a little frustrating. Not the first line about women not holding at many officer positions, that's probably also due to families, but with what they earn and the glass ceiling they encounter. That's not right, and I hope those two statistics change.
However, when my professor opened the topic up for discussion I mentioned that I don't think the percentage of women earning doctorates and holding high positions will ever be equal to the percentage of men. I feel that if you polled a sample of men and women, from age 6 to 60, more women are going to say their goals for their life involve getting married and having a family than men are. Point blank. A classmate brought up the rising of stay-at-home dads, and I know that's true. I don't think they will ever outnumber the amount of women who want to stay home though.
When I mentioned that it's exceptionally difficult to be a parent and a CEO in a company because both demand so much time, my professor said that when he lived in NYC he knew many women who would have laughed at me, and told me that they could have both, and that's what a nanny was for.
My automatic response was to ask him if those nannies were men or women. He smirked and said women.
Something I didn't mention in class but will mention here is that men are designed to provide, and women are designed to nurture. I didn't mention it in class because in some ways it's Biblical, but it's also obvious in observing humans and in science. My professor said that women have a thicker corpus callosum, the part of your brain that connects the left side and the right side. This makes them better with communication and connecting emotions to facts, which can make them better leaders in the workplace. That's true, but it's also what makes them great caretakers.
Another thought I'd had was that globally, the United States does pretty good as far as men and women being equal in the workforce. Sweden's definitely better than us, but compared to China or Japan, we're doing great. So think about globalization. Businesses in the United States want to work together with businesses in China and Japan. What representatives are they going to send to those companies to impress them and get them to join forces? Certainly not the women that aren't respected there. What about after they've joined forces, are they ever going to have a woman be the front runner of a project? I don't think so. Before the United States can truly be 50/50 with men and women in leading positions, there's a lot of other places in the world that are going to have to accept it as well.

My friend Leslie's yellow lab had to be put to sleep the same weekend Jeb died, so we were commiserating together about the loss of our furry friends. She sent me this link on facebook.
As a whole, we're ridiculous. Single or happily married, innuendos fly around like crazy, everyone's checking everyone else out, there's lots of compliments and butt slapping. However, we've all got this understanding that we're joking. Well, maybe not about feeling someone else is hot, but there's no intentions behind our sexual conversation(though some of the single ones have been known to frequent the bar and then act on those conversations). It's all in good fun, and most of the time nothing becomes of it.
Now, you may be wondering how on earth this fits into something to be thankful for. It'll make sense by the end, I promise.
Mario is who I'm thankful for. He's our lead cook. He's Italian(shocker, I know), balding, and short. Like, really short. I'm 5'4", not a very tall girl, and he's up to about my nose. I don't often talk to Mario, because waitresses spend most of their time up front where the customers are. Last night, however, I was talking to him about some of the new things on our menu.
We have these fantastic new flat bread sandwiches. I'm super excited about them, because I try to only eat the healthy stuff at Townline, and I've kind of exhausted the wraps. They're really good, but more options is always a good thing. So I was talking about how the flat bread sandwiches are pretty healthy, and how that's good since the constant surplus of french fries is a problem for me.
Mario turned around and looked at me and said, "What are you talking about? Look at you, I don't see any problems." Only in an Italian accent, so it sounded cooler.
Now, in my super sexual workplace, this type of comment is not uncommon. But for some reason this particular one made me ridiculously happy and made me feel good about myself. Coming from a guy my father's age who's in love with a great woman his own age. I'm sure Freud would have something to say about that, but I'm just going to take Mario's compliment and the ego boost it gave me and not over analyze myself.
So, thanks God, for blessing me, for now, with Mario, a great cook with a great heart.
love songs
When we were dancing Phil was talking about when we were younger and we both were in the same youth group. He said one of the girls made a comment something like, "all the guys like Kodi". Now, this was definitely not true, and I know this. But my sweet boyfriend has to point it out by saying that his reaction to that girl at the time was, "hmm, well, I'm a guy, and I don't really like Kodi..."
I'm telling you, only my boyfriend would openly admit that he didn't care for me four years ago. And that is why I love him.
...see what I mean about us not being romantic?


In the afternoon I have Philosophy of Religion. It's excellent. My professor is hilarious without trying to be and seems to be pretty brilliant about getting a room of people to discuss religion, something people are crazy passionate about whether they believe in it or don't believe in it, without creating too much anger and violence. He's this sun burnt or just always red-in-the-face redhead with glasses, his shirt half tucked in, and his tie all askew. And really, really big hands. That's what I first noticed. He likes to use them to make a point. Like saying, "This is a very serious challenge!" with his pointer finger and thumb touching and his whole hand bouncing up and down with each word. His fingers are like eight inches long(my hand bounced up and down in my head as I typed this).
My last class on Tuesdays and Thursdays is called Organizational Behavior. The professor is the husband of one of my favorite psych professors, and though this class is a business one, it's the closest to psych I'm going to get this semester. After meeting Mr. Professor, it's clear that Mrs. Professor has much more style than Mr. But as a teacher, I think I'll like Mr. just as much as Mrs.
My only complaint about this semester is that I don't have any breaks that are the same as my roommate from freshman year, Whitty. Well, Whitney. But I call her Whitty. I LOVE this girl, and she has three classes with my current roommate Laura. So the two of them get to hang out all day and I don't ever see either of them. But the exciting part is Whitty doesn't work Monday nights, and she loves One Tree Hill as much as Laura and I, but doesn't get CWTV at her house. So she's going to start staying over on Monday nights to watch One Tree Hill with us and crash here, and then go to classes on Tuesday with Laura. Hooray! We said Laura gets her all day, but I get her all night, seeing as she'll share my bed, that's a bit bigger than Laura's. The guys eating lunch with us when we were deciding this got a little excited at that announcement. We laughed!
Here's Tony and Megan on their wedding day, just about a year ago. Congratulations to two new parents, who will be an amazing mom and dad!