

I do a lot of reading other people's blogs. It's entertaining and thought provoking and just something I generally enjoy doing, especially with the ones that are really well written.

On one of these such blogs, the author made a list of thirty things she wants to do before she turns thirty, and other people have adapted this concept and made their own lists. I've decided to jump on the bandwagon. I've noticed that many of the other people on this bandwagon are a bit closer to the thirty mark than I am, but I still enjoy the idea.

My 30 before 30
1. Do a REAL picnic lunch. Like, with the basket, the watermelon, the checked blanket. Okay, and blanket will do. But go to a nice park with a good friend, plop down in the perfect spot, eat a great lunch and then lie on our backs and look for shapes in the clouds.
2. Buy myself a generally expensive bouquet of flowers.
3. Bike enough to justify buying a new bike. Or at least a new super cushiony bike seat.
4. Go to NYC.
5. See a show on Broadway.
6. Try one of those deep fried Oreos and not care about the calories.
7. Graduate college. This one is most definitely going to happen, short of me going brain dead, but it's still something big I'm going to accomplish before I'm 30.
8. Live without roommates. Unless I get married. Then I can just live with my husband. But have a house that is mine all mine to decorate. I assume my future husband will not care about the decorating so much, hence it being okay if I go from roommates to married without living on my own first.
9. Go to Chicago with Leslie. Shop, maybe see a show, just walk around. Enjoy the city.
10. Play with sparklers, and play with taking pictures of sparklers.
11. Go on a spontaneous trip. To somewhere at least an hour away. Decide to go within 24 hours of leaving.
12. Go to a spa and get one of those hot rock massages.
13. Grow my hair out. Like, long. Past my chest long.
14. Visit a country I've never been to before. Ideally, Greece. But since that's a long way away and may not be possible before 30, I'm putting just any country, so if I have to, Canada will do.
15. Figure out a way to really make a difference in the lives of the people I photograph. Use my talent to give them confidence not in just how they look, but in who they are. Especially with younger girls. Figure it out by 30, implement it for the rest of my life.
16. Try yoga.
17. Make a CD of me singing. This thought completely embarrasses me, but a gift like that is something my grandparents would love.
18. Drink champagne in a limousine. Document this with my camera. Probably at a wedding.
19. Own a smart phone. Be a little tech-y.
20. Tell my mom I almost missed my first college exam because my alarm didn't go off and I slept through the first 45 minutes. And pray by then she thinks it's funny.
21. Ask my Grandma about how she fell in love with my Grandpa.
22. Shoot a boudoir session. Or, get married and have one done myself as a wedding gift to my husband. Or both.
23. Be in a musical. Whether it's one at church or one that I actually have to try out for, do it. And remember why I love it.
24. Clean out my closet at my parent's house. And laugh at all my old notes from high school.
25. Work at a summer camp. For a whole summer or a week, one that I stay at or one that's just a day camp close to home. Just as long as I'm working with kids.
26. Lose 15 pounds. And probably gain them back and lose them again over the next nine years, but lose that much at least. Try not to weigh more than I do now at 30. Unless I'm pregnant. Then I get a free pass.
27. I hope I've had children by then. Or at least am seriously close to having some.
28. Manage to not miss a day of flossing my teeth for a whole year. I'm the worst at this.
29. Learn and retain enough of a language to be able to get by visiting that country. I feel like that really varies depending on the country, so it might not be that difficult.
30. Tell one of my family members or friends that I write a blog. And give them the address.

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