Country music makes me want babies.
Weird, I know. I really try to soak up the point of my life that I'm at at any given time. To be content with where I'm at and not overly anxious to get to the next step. I go to weddings every weekend and talk with my best friend about her husband, but I'm more than happy to wait for mine. I look at design blogs and know what I want my future house to look like, but I'm satisfied with decorating my apartment. I try really hard to soak up these last few months of classes and focus on how much I love learning instead of how much I want to be a photographer full time. I play with other people's kids, and most often, don't want my own.
But then I listen to country music. And it's all about family, and where I grew up, and loving the little things in life. And those are things I love, things I want. And it makes me anxious and excited for all the things I have yet to experience. And a little terrified because I don’t know what’s coming. But mostly, it just leaves me excited and wanting. For a few hours. And then I'm back to being content with where I am. Because there's so much for me to experience right now, right where I am.